2018 Preservation Week Open House Video

Were you unable to attend our annual preservation week open house at the end of April?  OR maybe you did attend but didn’t get to see everything you wanted?  Well, have no fear!  I’ve created a quirky little video to encapsulate (fyi, that’s a scrapbook conservation joke) all the excitement, activity, and overall bombardment of information and cool stuff to your senses that our open houses generally entail.

A big thank you again to everyone who was able to make it and celebrate Preservation Week with us.  This was definitely our biggest, most jammed packed year yet and it was so much fun!  If you missed the event, definitely mark your calendars for next years’ preservation week, April 21-27, 2019 and stay tuned at the beginning of 2019 for an exact open house date. Until next time…

Our conservator, Ashleigh, ordered these GLOP custom temporary tattoos for all the staff members and we all couldn’t wait to sport them during the event! GLOP is our little nickname for our team and our preservation friends and it stands for Gorgeous Ladies/Lads of Preservation.

Jessica Ebert (UCL) – Conservation Technician (and maker of quirky Lab videos)

One for the Books

This is a special post written by one of our student workers, Stefan Apostoluk, who recently graduated…but as the student supervisor I couldn’t help but add a few quick words about our students first.  The last couple weeks have been bittersweet here in the lab as we’ve had to say goodbye to a couple of our long time students (DJ and Brad, and soon Stefan).  It’s so wonderful to see them grow and change during the years they work in the lab and call them part of our team.  But it is always fleeting, as is the nature of working at an university.  Having to say goodbye year after year to these amazing people that have become part of our preservation family is not easy, but it is so rewarding to see them enter the real world and move into careers in their chosen field while also expressing how much they’ve enjoyed their time in the lab.  As Brad Miller, another of our student workers who graduated at the end of April and who we said goodbye to last week, has said to me several times over the last couple months, “this is the best job on campus” with complete and utter sincerity.  Without further ado, I’ll pass things over to Stefan, who so eloquently summed up his time at in the lab and wanted to share the story of customizing his graduation cap.  Excuse me while I grab a box of tissues…    – Jessica Ebert (UCL) 

Stefan crossing the stage at graduation.

Graduating from college is weird. An end giving way to new beginnings, it’s exciting, tumultuous, and anxious. You have to say goodbye to so many places, people, and things that have become just so familiar in the span of a few years – time that felt like an eternity, but blew by in an instant. Frankly, I’m not much of a fan of goodbyes, but through graduation, I found the perfect way to close the book on college and give the Lab my farewell.
I’ve been a student worker at the Preservation Lab since the end of my first semester of college in early December of 2013 and I’ve loved every moment of it. My undergraduate studies in Computer Engineering were hard and dissatisfying, and while I identify as a Computer Engineering student through the challenges my classmates and I endured, my department was never a place that I loved. Instead, the Lab has been a home to me, filled with camaraderie and friends that I can’t see enough. They became my on-campus family, tucked away behind Langsam’s main desk and down a flight of stairs.
When graduation neared and it finally came time to customize my graduation cap and reflect upon my time at college, I thought about doing something techy and related to my major, but it just didn’t feel right! While lots of fun, flashy lights and LED screens just didn’t strike me as reflective of my college experience. Before long, the idea that to me would encapsulate my time at college hit me like a sack of bricks. It was obvious to me, and there was nothing else I could do that would feel right. I needed to make my grad cap into a book at the Lab.

In the process of altering/making his graduation cap.

With the resources of the Lab at my disposal, I set out to make a square book to replace the flat black cardboard top of my graduation cap. In the weeks leading up to graduation and with tons and tons of invaluable help from Jessica, I spent hours tearing apart the boring default cap, planning details of the book’s construction, and actually assembling the cap. The book sports a black cloth cover to resemble the traditional grad cap, but is quarter-bound with a mottled red spine to give the book some zazz and show off some UC spirit. Instead of attaching my engineering tassel to the cover of the book, I adhered it to the spine and turned it into a bookmark that hangs at the back of my head when worn. Most excitingly, I got to use the hot stamper to give my book an official title that succinctly reflected my feelings on leaving college – “Good Riddance.” All in all, I’ve created a work that I’m proud to have worn when I walked across the stage at graduation. President Pinto even complimented me on it!

I’m not quite done with college yet since I’m still working on my MBA, but I won’t be around at the Preservation Lab much longer. Really, it’s going to be hard for me to say goodbye to the Lab. These people who work to preserve rare books have archived their way into my heart. In a way though, I’ve already said my goodbye. Making my grad cap served as a bookend to my undergraduate career, and I got to spend a lot of time in the Lab by making it. With signatures and heartfelt messages from everyone at the Lab written right on the first pages of my grad cap book and fond memories of my time at the lab written to my heart, I won’t be leaving empty handed.

Stefan A. Apostoluk (UCL) –  Senior Student Worker

Open House Success

A big thank you to everyone who was able to attend our Preservation Week Open House last Thursday!  It was a great success and we all had so much fun sharing what we do with everyone.  If you were not able to attend, we wanted to share the awesome comic that our very own Chris Voynovich (conservation technician) created just for the event.


Attendees were able to create their own one-page wonder featuring this comic and then had a chance to flip through the Madisonville Branch Library’s scrapbook that inspired the comic. Those who attended were also able to explore various artist book structures by viewing and handling (and in some cases, just admiring from a far) collection items from the DAAP Library’s artist book collection.  The evolution of the book was a central theme with attendees learning about pre-codex structures (like cuneiform tablets and scrolls), early codex structures (with a foray into medieval bindings and parchment), and modern structures like the ever complex scrapbook.  Attendees were able to stamp their own book mark, featuring a quote by P.J. O’Rourke, and learn about RTI, how the lab has improved their capture process, and view the results from a recent RTI project featuring cuneiform tablets.  And of course, attendees were able to grab a Busken cookie featuring our Preservation Lab logo.  It was a great event!

Make sure to mark your calendar for 2019 Preservation Week (April 21–27) so you can come down, visit the lab, and see the cool stuff we’re working on.  I’m also working on a little video of the event, so stayed tuned and check out our MediaSpace channel for updates in the near future.

Jessica Ebert (UCL) – Conservation Technician & Lead Photographic Documentation Tech

Preservation Week 2018 – be our guest!

It’s spring in Cincinnati, which means two things – the epic weather battle between winter and summer (snow yesterday, 71 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow) and the annual Preservation Week Lab Open House!
This year marks the lab’s 7th year of participation in this national event, an American Libraries Association initiative aimed at raising “awareness of the role libraries and other cultural institutions play in providing ongoing preservation education and information.”  Our event is open to the public – come one, come all!
The Open House will include a behind the scenes tour of the lab, a peek at amazing collection items being preserved for our parent institutions – the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County and the University of Cincinnati Libraries, and of course a new bookmark.

A walk down memory lane – bookmarks 2012-2017.

This year our theme highlights the versatility and artistry of the book, from a complex composite object such as a scrapbook to a simple one-page zine.  We’ll also touch on the evolution of the book form, from cuneiform to artist’s book.  As is our tradition, we’ll set up “stations” were visitors can roam, explore, and learn at their own pace.
We are looking forward to see you all on, Thursday, April 26th, 1:30-3:00 pm, 300 Langsam Library.  And yes, there will be cookies!
Holly Prochaska (UCL) —- Preservation Librarian

Pleasant surprise

I just want to take a moment to say – sometimes a little surprise can be so satisfying!
We’ve all been there, approaching a task where we see the beginning but not the end.
Well I’m here to tell you there is hope in the darkness. Occasionally delamination can be a real struggle. Sometimes you know what is underneath, sometimes you don’t.
But when you start the work, and occasionally you get a pleasant surprise.

Yay!  And now I think it’s going to be a good day!

Chris Voynovich (PLCH) —- Conservation Technician

The Preservation Lab…in the news

Check out this new article about the work of the Preservation Lab by our collaborator Melissa Norris, with assistance from Ashleigh Schieszer, Jessica Ebert, and Kevin Grace at https://libapps.libraries.uc.edu/source/preserving-taft/.
Isn’t Preservation just so cool!

Conserving a head sculpture.

Ashleigh Schieszer works on Taft’s maquette. (Photo credit Jessica Ebert)

And for our loyal followers a bonus image of the housing of the William Howard Taft letters…
Taft letters bound

Encapsulated binding by Chris Voynovich, design by Ashleigh Schieszer (photo credit Jessica Ebert)


For a good conversation call…

Yesterday we did some General Collections evaluation. This is when the Conservation Technicians get together to inspect the General Collections books that have been sent to us, and determine the best way to treat them. Since these materials circulate some of them are heavily used, and sometimes we find little surprises in them. This batch had a couple of especially fun ones. I found out that someone likes their vitamin gummies:

Then Jessica came across this unusual bookmark:

And then she was looking through this book about Nikola Tesla:

Complete with this invitation (number redacted for privacy):

I don’t know about you, but I think that sounds way better than, “for a good time call…”!
Veronica Sorcher (PLCH) – Conservation Technician

Tracking treatments

Most preservation labs track their conservation treatments through a database that links to, or shadows, their institution’s library or museum catalog.  For many years these databases were home grown, with labs using Access or FileMaker Pro – and that is what The Preservation Lab opted to do.   While there are now commercial and consortial alternatives, we are still using our homegrown Access database for now.
Occasionally the lab is asked to share what we use.  So, by semi-popular demand, attached please find the Treatment Database!  Though not perfect, it might serve as a good model to those beginning to organize their treatment documentation beyond printed sheets and physical file cabinets.  Some data has been kept so that you can experiment with the functionality.

Access database, conservation treatment

Screenshot of Treatment Database

To download the treatment database go to the following web address – https://uc.box.com/s/8sq75e5dxe889ezwzteh2dsrrbkmt7t1.  Read this file first, https://uc.box.com/s/rn34n4we0wrxpdj1s2p7xg6abg7mavdx, to help make sense of the databases organization.
[Note:  Access databases won’t PREVIEW in this cloud based storage, but once you download the database it will function just fine.]
Once you download them, make them your own…they are clay ready to be molded to your needs!  Go forth and be productive!
Holly Prochaska (UCL) — Preservation Librarian