For Preservation Week 2024, Duke University Libraries will host a virtual panel discussion about Public Digital Collections of Conservation Treatment Documentation on Thursday May 2 at 11 am EDT. Conservation representatives from four institutions (The British Museum, The Preservation Lab (Cincinnati, Ohio), Duke University Libraries, and Stanford Libraries) will share their experiences in building and sharing their institutions’ digital collections of conservation treatment documentation. Panelists will introduce their collections and discuss topics such as digital preservation of treatment records, metadata creation, linking to catalog records and finding aids, and potential privacy and copyright issues.

The free webinar will take place at 11 am Eastern Daylight Time (8 am Pacific Daylight Time/ 4 pm British Summer Time) and will last 60-70 minutes. The panel will be recorded and the video will be shared with registered attendees upon request.
A recording of the webinar and available resources is now available in this shared folder.
Additional information
Beth Doyle, Preservation Officer; Leona B. Carpenter Senior Conservator; and Head, Conservation Services Department (she/her)
- Louisa Burden, Head of Conservation, British Museum
- Ashleigh Ferguson Schieszer, Book and Paper Conservator, Co-Lab Manager, (she/her)
- Erin Hammeke, Senior Conservator for Special Collections, Duke University Libraries (she/they)
- Ryan Lieu, Conservation Operations Coordinator, Stanford Libraries (he/him)
Collection Links

Further Info
If you’re attending the American Institute for Conservation’s annual meeting, either virtually or in-person, be sure to attend the talk Demystifying our Metadata: Making Conservation Documentation Accessible in The Digital Library at the University of Illinois where I look forward to hearing about their solutions for similar challenges we faced when beginning our collection in 2015!
Ashleigh Ferguson Schieszer, Conservator [CHPL]