Tune in Friday, November 3rd on our Instagram and ask us anything you might want to know about conservation, preservation or the Lab!

Tune in Friday, November 3rd on our Instagram and ask us anything you might want to know about conservation, preservation or the Lab!
Check out this new article written by our lead photographic documentation technician, Jessica Ebert, on the exciting world of photographic documentation in the Preservation Lab: http://libapps.libraries.uc.edu/source/photo-documentation-in-the-preservation-lab/
This is an example of one of the pieces that was photographed under UV radiation in a recent workshop Jessica attended through AIC. In this workshop at Duke University, taught by conservator Jennifer McGlinchey Sexton, participants learned how to identify the best UV lamps for conservation documentation, how to test for visible light leakage, and how to standardize UV documentation workflow using the Target UV (to the right of the painting).