Category Archives: Uncategorized

25 Years To Celebrate: Chris Voynovich is Retiring!

Congratulations are in order! We are happy to celebrate with our lab colleague, Chris Voynovich. After 25 years at the Public Library, Chris is retiring to a lovely beach house in Florida.

Chris first began his career at the library working in Shipping and Receiving. He then transitioned to Cataloging and Processing where he began his journey in material repair. He was a quick learner, able to utilize hand skills from his personal experience in metal work, graphic design, drumming, and matting at a frame shop.

Since 2011, Chris has grown his skills to preserve a WIDE variety of materials at the Preservation Lab. Chris has…

While he brought many skills with him, such as an ability to cut oversized mats, solder and work with metal files, his treatment skills have grown from general collections conservation to the treatment of special collections – with interests in leather, scrapbooks, and making clasps for medieval books.  Treatment aside, Chris has held the esteemed title of Box-Maker Extraordinaire.

Known for his engineering feats, a few of Chris’ masterpieces can be viewed below:

As you can see, we will miss Chris’ can-do attitude when faced with any challenge. His positive outlook, efficiency (no one makes a box as fast as Chris!!), cartoons and dad jokes will especially be missed, but we are so happy for the new adventures that await him.  

Please join us in celebration on Oct. 30th! RSVP to

Ashleigh Ferguson Schieszer [CHPL] – Special Collections Conservator, Co-Lab Manager

300 photographs?! More like 4800 photographs!! 

This past March, at one of our Special collections meetings, the Lab received a photographic project from UC’s Classics Library. This was a large German collection comprised of 16 series, each series with approximately 300 photographs, a total of about 4800 photographs!! These are silver gelatin photographs that depict ancient sculptures. The photographs are important since in some cases they show sculptures that may have been destroyed during the WWII.

All the photographs were curled, some showed silver mirroring, and minor tears along the edges, or creases. Most of the conservation treatment focuses on humidification and flattening of each photograph. With such a large number of photographs, the project was divided between Chris (Senior Conservation Technician), Hyacinth (Conservation Technician), and myself (Assistant Conservator).

Before Treatment – Photographs as they were received in the Preservation Lab. Overall, curled with small tears along the edges.

We each took a series of photographs to work on. Ahead of starting the project, we conducted some tests, along with Ashleigh (Conservator), to understand how long we should humidify the photographs, we create the pressing stacks that would be used for the flattening, and some guidelines that we could all refer to throughout the projects.

We concluded that we would obtain the best results by only humidifying the photographs for a maximum of 20-30 mins and then pressing them. First, we pressed the photographs between pressing stacks of thin Hollytex, blotter, Rising Museum Photomount mat board and binders board for two days. Then we pressed them in a book press or under weights between Photomount mat board until the compression enclosure is created. Before humidification, each photograph was surface cleaned with a hydrophilic sponges.

After being humidified, small cracks on the emulsion and small tears were repaired.

Chris is usually faster with any treatment, so his batch has been fully treated, and now he is in the process of making an enclosure, a cloth clamshell compression enclosure to ensure the photographs don’t start to curl again.

During Treatment – Chris working on the cloth clamshell compression enclosure.

I am still working on my batch. I currently have one-fifth of the photographs being pressed and the rest are awaiting humidification and flattening. This is a long project that requires constant monitoring and time for pressing, but it is so satisfying to see the photographs slowly relaxing and flattening. It will probably take us a few years or more to fully complete the entire 16 series, but once the project is complete each series will be safely housed and repair.

Catarina Figueirinhas [UCL] – Assistant Conservator

Jazz, Dogs, and Dense Lit: A Conversation with Matt McCoy

I recently had the privilege of sitting down for a talk with the newest member of the lab staff, Matt McCoy. Matt is a CPHL employee who comes to us from…well, I’ll just let him tell it.

Photo of Matt

[edited for clarity]

Hyacinth: Alright, so first off, how did you come to be here in the lab?

Matt: I became aware of the lab at an open house; I think it was 2017 or 2018. I was working in Materials Retrieval downtown. I did the tour here, and I knew Cat [Catarina Figueirinhas, Assistant Conservator in the lab] because she used to work in my department. My boss picked a couple of people to go to the open house, and I got to check it out.

It was really cool, and I thought, ‘this would be a cool place to work someday.’ At the time, libraries were sort of just a side job for me. They’ve become more of a focus, especially over the pandemic. I started an MLIS but decided not to continue with it after getting a taste for the public librarianship. I guess I wouldn’t say I’ll never pick it back up again, but who knows?

I’ve always kept an eye on job postings, and I saw this one, I think it was over winter break. At that pont I had been working as a customer service substitute for CHPL for about a year. Then I saw the job posting and it just it sort of was like they have an opening there; I feel like that was the first time I had ever seen an opening pop up when I was here.

H: Yeah, it doesn’t happen often.

M: So I was like, you know what, I’m just going to apply for that. I was a little worried I’d missed my shot because I think it had been posted for a month or so. I had a friend who was staying with me over the holidays, and I applied for it the first day he was out, just kind of on a whim. Things just sort of fell into place from there, and here I am.

H: Well, you’ve been with us for nearly three weeks [at the time of the interview.] How are you liking it?

M: I love it so far. Even just the general collection stuff I’m doing so far, it’s very interesting. There are hand skills, but since I’m starting on general collections, it hasn’t been super stressful. The days fly by really quickly. I really like improving skill sets, so just getting to go through the training and practice different things and assessing how’d it go, what can I do better or what do I need more work on, that’s been fun and satisfying to do. I’m really liking that.

Photo of Matt working on a general collections repair

You guys have all been great so far, real good staff to have around. Everybody’s been really helpful and friendly. I’ve felt very welcomed here from the start and it’s been cool just getting to see all the stuff you guys have been working on, both at the open house but also the…I guess the pre-return meeting? That’s what it was, right?

H: Yeah. [nods]

M: Yeah, that was really cool to see too, and just get a feel for how things work with the special collection stuff, and how the process goes from an item first arriving, to you guys doing treatment on it, and then sending it on its way.

H: It’s a whole thing. We have a flow chart.

M: [laughs] I’ve noticed that a couple of times, as I’ve been leaving for the day, and think that I need to read that and then forget, and then I’ll walk by it again.

H: It’s a lot of flow chart. I mean, you get the hang of it, but it’s a lot of flow chart.

M: And the flow of my life has been really nice since starting this job. It’s a short commute, and the fact that the days go by quick. I feel like I never have enough time to…I’ll get into something and then I’ll hear the [closing] announcements go on. I’m like, ‘shoot, I was just getting into this!’ I was also a little worried, I wondered how much energy I’d have at the end of the day, to work on music and whatnot, but it hasn’t really been an issue so far.

It’s cool being on a college campus too. It’s sort of lively. I know it’s going to get more lively as we go along, but it’s a lively place to work. And I like being around people, so that’s been cool. It’s also nice that it’s not the place where I went to college. I don’t feel like ‘oh, shoot, back here again.’

H: So what’s the most fun or interesting or fascinating thing you’ve done in your training so far. I know it’s going along really quick.

M: I really like the – and I feel like it’s probably the thing I’ve had to work at the most – I like the hinge-in, doing hinge repairs. They’re just very satisfying. It’s either, you know, pages have fallen out of a book, or it’s structurally compromised and then all of a sudden, oh look how nice! It’s all nice and sturdy now, putting it back together, so I really like those. I enjoy any sewing I’ve done so far too. Once it’s all nice and tight and looking prim and proper, that’s been pretty gratifying.

H: It is very gratifying. And Jessica [Ebert, Sr. Conservation Specialist] is a good person to learn it from.

M: Absolutely! She’s been a great teacher.

H: Her sewing is fantastic. You’ll never be as fast as her.

M: She really does just fly by!

H: Even I’m not as fast as she is.

M: Yeah! And then I also like the tear repairs too. Those are nice, once everything’s all dry and put together, it’s like there we go, that looks nice.

H: What are you looking forward to learning?

M: Definitely down the road, but I’m looking forward to getting into some of the special collection stuff. Getting to have a project. I mean, I have had a couple of projects that I’ll start and finish up the next day, but I haven’t had any long-term things. And I’m sure it’s different for every item, like I’m not sure how long each of you spends on a particular treatment, but I’m sure that there’s some where there’s a lot of different steps, seeing something throughout the whole process on a broad scale, that sort of thing. I think it’d be neat to work on something like pieces of artwork or maps. I’m also excited to get into any kind of bookbinding stuff, like the models you guys have made of different types of books. The more complex things like making a cover or something like…I forget what it was, the sermon that Jessica worked on.

H: The split-board binding.

M: I think that looks really cool, yeah. I always enjoy a well put-together book and that is a nice one.

H: Well, I have found that there are two kinds of library people. There’s the kind that’s born and raised in the stacks – that was me, my family was into libraries from the time I was really little – or people who kind of stumble in one day and realize that it’s great, and then they just never leave. Which kind are you?

M: I did go a little bit as a kid, sort of here and there. I remember would do summer reading. But then I got into my teenage years and early adulthood and didn’t really utilize them that much. I think it was later in college that I started going to the downtown library because they had – this was before I got into the streaming music services – they had such a good jazz CD collection. I think it had been donated by a radio station that used to play a lot of jazz stuff, the Oscar Treadwell jazz collection. That’s what got me into it. Then I thought this might be a cool place to work, and that’s what led me here.

H: What sort of things do you like to read, and what are you reading right now?

M: Mostly fiction. Although I’d like to read more nonfiction, I think sometimes reading is a nice sort of escape from reality. So I like reading fictional stories. I’m reading this Cormac McCarthy book right now. It’s the third part of a trilogy he has called the Border Trilogy.

H: Cormac McCarthy is so bleak!

M: Oh I know, that was the exact same reaction Holly [Prochaska, Preservation Librarian] had!

H: Oh he’s a wonderful writer. Just bleak.

M: Yeah, he’s great, one of my favorites. His prose is so beautiful, but the actual contents of the story is so dark and depressing sometimes.

H: You read it and you gotta take a break.

M: Yeah, so I’ve been chipping away at this one and afterward I’m going to take a break. I’ve also gone through phases where I’m really into science fiction and kind of fantasy stuff sometimes. I think maybe when I get done with [the Cormac McCarthy], I’ve been wanting to maybe start Dune.

H: I’ve tried Dune like three times. It’s so dense.

M: That’s what I hear.

H: It has a glossary.

M:  I’m wondering if I can get into it or not because I was really into Tolkien. I did The Silmarillion a few years ago, and that was the only book where I’ve had a little sheet that just had notes on it.

H: Then you’ll probably be fine. I had an ex who read it. He loved it, but it was a lot.

M: Some other favorite authors…I like [Kazuo] Ishiguro a lot, probably one of my favorites, and Vonnegut.

H: Vonnegut’s great.

M: I really like his sense of humor, it’s very much up my alley. I also don’t think I mentioned the name of the book that I’m reading, the McCarthy one, it’s called Cities of the Plain. The most famous of the trilogy is the first one, All the Pretty Horses, and then The Crossing, and this is the third one.

H: Do you have a favorite book?

M: Let me think…I really love the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I could pick out a favorite of the movies, but not the books. I also liked Blood Meridian; I read Song of Solomon, a beautifully written book. I also enjoyed Never Let Me Go. That was Ishiguro, a really sad one, very beautiful.

H: That was adapted into a film.

M: I haven’t seen the movie yet, and I think I started it one night but then…I think I got worried. The story has such a high place in my head, it might live up to it. Sometimes for that reason if there’s a movie version I’ll watch it first and then read the book. But yes, those are a few of my favorites.

H: So you are a jazz musician. What led you to that?

M: That’s a good question and kind of similar to what you’re saying about how there’s like kind of two types of people who get led into libraries. I found there’s sort of like two kinds of a paths that lead people into jazz, and I was kind of in the middle of it. It’s usually either band kids in high school –

H: [raises hand] I was a band kid.

M: – they get into it, but then also it’s also people that like the hippie Grateful Dead sort of jam bands.

H: I like those too.

M: That’s how they get into it, more improvised music.

H: It’s very technical.

M: Yeah, so that kind of start it for me. I started playing electric bass when I was probably 14 or 15. I got really into it, I wanted to learn everything I could about it. And then I started learning about all these jazz musicians and hearing some good bass players. You check a record out and that led me down that path. I had a lesson teacher, and he pitched the idea of going to school for music. There’s a couple of programs where you can do what they call commercial music, if you want to study music in college, a jazz or classical degree. I thought, ‘Oh yeah, I wouldn’t mind going to school for a jazz degree’. Through that I got really immersed in the jazz world and fell in love with it and have been doing that ever since.

H: So not the Miles Davis route, starting with classical and hanging out in jazz clubs?

M: Yeah, there’s a lot of people who do that, it’s funny. I feel like a lot of the famous acts were classical musicians who kind of got into jazz, which is also cool.

H: What other musical genres do you listen to?

M: It’s kind of all over the place. I like a lot of hip-hop, the current modern stuff and some more classic stuff too. I like folk music and I play in a folk band, although we’re kind of losing momentum right now. Everybody in the band other than me keeps having kids, which make rehearsing a little difficult. But I grew up in the time where the pop punk emo thing was real big, so I will always have a soft spot for that in my catalog. Usually if I like something, I’ll just save it. I was listening to Bob Marley recently; I mean, everybody knows he’s great, but I couldn’t remember the last time I just sat down and listened to him. So, a pretty wide range of stuff, but there’s a few things I gravitate towards. I will end up listening to indie rock and folk more than other genres.

H: Is there a piece of music that you’re obsessed with at the moment?

M: That’s a good question. Let me look here and see if something stands out. [He flips through his phone briefly.] There is a Gregory Allen song called Dark Dark Dark that I really like. I’m going to go with that one.

H: Do you have any other hobbies?

M: I like going to the gym, although I can sometimes kind of slack on that. I feel like lately my life has just been a lot of music stuff and this job and I haven’t been doing too much else, but I really do like being outside, just hiking and stuff. I want to go camping more.

H: We’ve had good weather for it.

M: Absolutely! I also like traveling. I mean, everybody does, but you know, I like getting out to see stuff. Other than that, I’m somewhat into movies, TV shows, nothing super wild at the moment though. I have a bunch of hobbies that I’ve been meaning to get to, that I want to give a shot. I just never seem to find the time for it.

H: I know you’re a coffee guy, you come in with one every morning.

M: [laughs] Yeah.

H: So instead, Coke or Pepsi?

M: I would say Coke over Pepsi. Not that I have anything against Pepsi! In terms of cherry cola I used to like Wild Cherry Pepsi better, although I feel like I never see it around anymore. But yeah, I would say Coke.

H: Do you have a favorite movie or movie genre?

M: I really like science fiction movies. That’s maybe my favorite genre. And I’m going to Cormac McCarthy again, but I really like No Country For Old Men. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, that Wes Anderson movie, that’s up there. As far as sci-fi goes, I liked Arrival; it really stood out to me.

H: What is your favorite time of year?

M: Fall, especially living around here. We have all the leaves changing, and the temperature is nice and not too humid. You can still go outside and do stuff.

H: Do you have any pets?

M: I have a dog named Baby Redbone. He’s a rescue. A significant other and I found him living on the street. We lived in Northside at the time and we used to take our other dogs out together. There was a school that has since been turned into apartment complex, it was abandoned at the time and we used to run with the dogs and wear them out real quick. One day he was just sort of back there. We initially weren’t going to keep him. She mentioned that he was just a baby, so we were calling him Baby. We thought maybe he was a Redbone coonhound because he’s got this real reddish coat, like he’s definitely part pitbull. So the name just kind of stuck. When we parted ways, she kept the other dogs, and I kept him. We weren’t having any luck finding anyone to take him from us. People don’t like having dogs sprung on them! He’s a decent-sized dog, 63 pounds or so.

H: Yeah, we have a pit/rot mix and he’s like 100 and he’s so much dog, but just the sweetest thing I’ve ever met.

M: Oh goodness, yeah. They’re so sweet. My theory is [pits] are very trainable and receptive to things, so if somebody has bad intentions with them, they can get them to be mean, and if someone has good intentions, they can get them to be sweet too.

H: I find that they often work best when they’re mixed with something.

M: Yeah, totally. You’ll have to show me pictures of your dog at some point.

H: And finally, can you leave us with a random fun fact about yourself?

M: I haven’t tried this in a while, but I feel like I could still do it, but  when I was in elementary school we had an after school program, a unicycle club where our gym teacher trained us all up to ride unicycles, and we rode in parades and stuff. So I guess my fun fact would be that I can ride a unicycle!

H: That is a very fun fact.

M: It’s been a little bit since I’ve tried it. Somebody had one at a party awhile ago and I tried. It still worked. I feel like my body would remember how to balance like just sort of like a bike.

H: Very cool. Thank you!

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Matt as much as I did!

Hyacinth Tucker [UCL] – Conservation Technician & Bindery Processor

The Culprit

While working on a treatment for the Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library, I came across a pamphlet that was especially dirty that gave me pause. This item in particular belonged to a collection of almanacs from the 1800’s. 

The pamphlet, part of a collection selected for digitization, first came to the lab in need of cleaning and stabilization for its upcoming photo-shoot. The small pamphlets, titled Jayne’s Medical Almanack, would have been heavily used, warranting some of the grime. However, on this one, I noticed an inordinate amount of insect frass staining on many of the pages.

Insect frass along edges

As I continued surface cleaning and repairing major tears … I came across a damaged and dogeared page.

Creased fold hiding the culprit

Inserting my micro-spatula, I opened to the fold to reveal the culprit!

Evidence of prior insect infestation

An ancient, dry bug!

He had obviously used this journal as his residence – coming and going – and finally gave up the ghost. I will surely provide his final resting place… my trash can.

Before treatment
After cleaning and stabilization

To learn more about almanacs and how they were stored, see Veronica’s post titled, Loopy, where she dives into the history of another popularly used almanac collection at CHPL!

Chris Voynovich, Conservation Assistant [CHPL]

Challenge of a Millennia: How to Store an Oversized Clay Tablet?

The University of Cincinnati’s Archives and Rare Books Library owns a few cuneiform tablets that date around the 1st century BCE.  Most are small enough to fit within the palm of your hand.  However, the clay tablet in question measures 14 inches (W) by 14 inches (T) x 4.5 inches (D) and weighs roughly 40-50 lbs.

Assyrian cornerstone during surface cleaning

More accurately, it is thought to be an Assyrian cornerstone that dates between 860 and 824 BCE.  It is described in the catalog record to be from the ruins of Calah (near Ninevah) on the Tigris River.  It is likely the cornerstone of a temple or palace erected by Salmanser III, king of Assyria. The provenance of how the University acquired the tablet is uncertain.

A translation of the cuneiform writing reads, ““Salmaneser, the great king, the mighty king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Asurnaserpal, the great king, the mighty king, the king of Assyria, son of Tukulbi-Ninib, king of the universe, king of Assyria, and indeed builder of the temple-tower of the city of Calah.”

After surface cleaning and digitizing the cornerstone, finding suitable storage for an Assyrian cornerstone tablet seemed like a straightforward task in the beginning.  I thought, “Let’s get it off the floor, house it, and protect it from dust!”  No problem, right?

But once we got the item back in the lab, the weight of the object combined with its fragility proved more of a challenge after Chris, Holly and I began thinking about how the object would be retrieved from storage and how it would be handled.  Rather than being stored in specialty shelving (such as items might be in a museum), this item was a library item.  We needed to fit the tablet amongst archival book shelving.  We were also faced with the prospect of transporting the cornerstone up and down a flight of stairs from the secure rare book storage. There is no easy elevator access!  And finally, once it was put in an enclosure, how would a librarian get it out to show researchers and students?

We decided on an industrial case with wheels that could be transported and stored anywhere. I knew I wanted a device with handles to pull the object in and out of the case, but immediately decided against the idea of ratchet straps. The threat of fracturing would be too great if the ratchet straps were over-tightened.

After careful thought (and the creation of mock up solutions!) the following custom design was created in five stages:

1. A waterproof, shock-proof rolling Nanuk 950 case (similar to a Pelican case) was purchased.  

2. The interior was customized with foam and supports.

3. The lid was fashioned with a Tyvek pillow screwed to the top with an interior Coroplast sheet.

4. The cornerstone was wrapped around all sides in a foam sheet with four flaps.

5. A cloth wrapper with custom handles was sewn to support the tablet during insertion into and retrieval from the case.

In addition, life-size surrogate photographs were printed by Jessica Ebert and stored in a polyester sleeve within the case.  These images may prove even more useful during exhibition or teaching than seeing the actual tablet as they were captured with raking light that beautifully highlights the cuneiform writing.  They could even be used as an alternative to handling the heavy tablet.

To help guide future librarians on how to handle the cuneiform tablet in the future, handling instructions were provided, a handling video was created, and a QR code of the video was pasted onto the case. Check out the video below.

I was appreciative to have been able to hearken back to my object’s conservation experience working at the Musical Instrument Museum. My prior experience helped guide me to dust the tablet and store surface cleaning samples, however, this was a project that took me out of my library conservation comfort zone.  The knowledge required to house such an object (and the amount of textile sewing used to create the cloth wrapper!) gave me even more appreciation for the work objects and textile conservators do to preserve our oversized and heavy materials – especially when transporting and taking them on and off display!

Ashleigh Ferguson Schieszer [CHPL] – Rare book and paper conservator

Video by Jessica Ebert

Job Posting: Conservation Specialist

The Preservation Lab, a partnership to preserve and conserve the collections of the Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library and the University of Cincinnati Libraries, seeks applicants for a Conservation Specialist position.

The Conservation Specialist is a technician level position with on-the-job training that may appeal to emerging conservation professionals. This position will join a collaborative team of 7 full-time staff members, including conservators, a preservation librarian, technicians, student workers and volunteers to preserve collections from both institutions. The Preservation Lab staff consists of both Cincinnati Public Library and the University Library members. This position is a Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library position but is stationed at the University of Cincinnati West campus.

The Public Library’s Main downtown branch will complete renovations to include a Story Center, with estimated completion fall of 2023. The Story Center will work closely with the special collections Genealogy department at the Public Library, Digital Services, and the Preservation Lab to collect, curate and preserve the experiences, histories and stories of communities, with a focus on communities of color and historically marginalized groups. Collaboration with members of Genealogy, Digital Services, and Story Center staff are an essential component of this position.  The successful candidate will also demonstrate an interest in working directly with the public.

Founded in 1853, the Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library today is one of the busiest and most highly acclaimed library systems in the United States, providing service to over 800,000 residents through a network of 40 branch libraries, a major downtown Main Library, and a Distribution Center.  CHPL holds one of the largest genealogical collections in the United States and many other specialized collections, most of which are housed in the Main library.

Pay rate begins at $17.85/hour.  The pay range is $37,128 – $51,979. The position will remain open until filled.

For more information about job duties and how to apply, please visit:

Ashleigh Ferguson Schieszer [CHPL] – Rare book and paper conservator

Fun with PhotoDoc: New Copy Stand Setup (Edition 14) 

Out with the old and in with the new!

Over the Spring, I began researching relatively affordable copy stand setup options with the goal of improving our outdated and slightly MacGyver’d existing setup while also increasing the size of objects that could be photographed with the new setup. Here’s a list of the equipment we ended up purchasing:

Once all of the column components arrived I set out to determine the maximum size object I could image with our current DSLR and our most used lens, in order to determine what size table I should get. Now, since I am not a math wizard, I did this the only way that made sense to my brain…I set the assembled column on against the wall, on the floor, with our camera mounted and used blue tape on the wall to create a grid of minimum and maximum size objects at various focal lengths…

This gave me pretty good idea of the general size I needed for a table. But I also wanted the table to have locking casters, sit at 27″ high (max), and have a shelf underneath for storage. Sadly, finding a table online that matched the size and other criteria was nearly impossible. Luckily for us, the UC Carpenters are the best and can make nearly anything you throw at them! And voila, after a couple months the UC Carpenters (a huge thanks to Tom!) had constructed a custom table and mounted the new copy stand column!

Today marked my first day using the new setup. I kicked things off by imaging a silk fabric piece from the Engineering library that would not fit on our old copy stand. Before our new setup, this would have meant shooting the delicate silk piece on the floor, using an inverted tripod. It’s a setup that I have used many times for oversized objects, and one that I strongly dislike for conservation photography, as it magnifies potential errors in handling. But luckily, I shouldn’t have to resort to the inverted tripod on the floor setup anytime soon!

Jessica Ebert [UCL] – Sr. Conservation & Photographic Documentation Specialist