(Illustrations by Chris Voynovich)
(Illustrations by Chris Voynovich)
Today UC Libraries unveiled our new website design at https://libraries.uc.edu/. It is streamlined, meets accessibility standards, and is quite lovely.
However, this website refresh has altered the path users previously followed to access the Lab’s treatment reports. The new path is as follows —- From the main page top navigation bar choose Research and Teaching Support, then pull down to select Repositories. From the Repositories page choose UC Digital Resource Commons (DRC). You’ll then be directed to the main DRC search page. Here you can limit your search to the Preservation Lab’s collection.
Or, for those power users, simply bookmark our digital content landing page – http://digital.libraries.uc.edu/collections/preservation/
Access to individual treatment reports remain linked within the library catalog’s item record level holdings as well.
Thanks for your patience during this time of change and transition.
Holly Prochaska (UCL) —- Preservation Librarian