Were you unable to attend our annual preservation week open house at the end of April? OR maybe you did attend but didn’t get to see everything you wanted? Well, have no fear! I’ve created a quirky little video to encapsulate (fyi, that’s a scrapbook conservation joke) all the excitement, activity, and overall bombardment of information and cool stuff to your senses that our open houses generally entail.
A big thank you again to everyone who was able to make it and celebrate Preservation Week with us. This was definitely our biggest, most jammed packed year yet and it was so much fun! If you missed the event, definitely mark your calendars for next years’ preservation week, April 21-27, 2019 and stay tuned at the beginning of 2019 for an exact open house date. Until next time…

Our conservator, Ashleigh, ordered these GLOP custom temporary tattoos for all the staff members and we all couldn’t wait to sport them during the event! GLOP is our little nickname for our team and our preservation friends and it stands for Gorgeous Ladies/Lads of Preservation.
Jessica Ebert (UCL) – Conservation Technician (and maker of quirky Lab videos)