This set of Japanese side-sewn, crepe paper bindings, or Chirimen-bon, came to the Preservation Lab housed in their damaged traditional Japanese wraparound case, known as a maru chitsu. The set belongs to the Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library, which has an extensive Lafcadio Hearn collection. This collection of volumes was printed by Hasegawa Takejirō, a Japanese publisher who specialized in books written in European languages on Japanese subjects. The Japanese Fairy Tale Series was one of the more popular series, beginning with six volumes in 1885; though this later collection only has five volumes of fairy tales. Lacadio Hearn was one of the foreign translators employed by T. Hasegawa.
Original enclosureFive volumes withing the original enclosure (pictured after treatment)
Due to the high profile nature of Lafcadio Hearn for the library and the beauty of the bindings, the collection is often shown during tours and used for display, however, the crepe paper volumes, while in excellent condition, are extremely floppy, and they are also side-sewn, both factors make them difficult to handle and display. The original enclosure is also very fragile and damaged, and susceptible to further damage if used as an enclosure moving forward. For all these reasons, the curators wanted an enclosure that would not only store the collection long-term, but could also be used for display.
This proved to be a challenge, but a fun one. I started by making a couple of sketches and then a couple of models…
Models – two types of collapsible cradles and one model of the display tray/stand
For the models, I had two main focuses: 1) a collapsible cradle that would house and display one of the volumes, and 2) a display component that would act as a tray or level within the enclosure and house the remaining four volumes, in two stacks of two, side by side.
I will always advocate for making a model if you are trying to work through a new enclosure or adjust an existing enclosure or display piece, like a cradle. For example, I knew that a normal collapsible cradle wasn’t going to fit the bill for these volumes. Instead, I was going to need a stiff, squared off spine piece built into the cradle to help support the bindings’ spines.
One of the main areas I had to troubleshoot was the display tray, which would house the four remaining volumes. I knew I wanted to create a stand that would basically replicate one side of a collapsible cradle and have a 1/2 inch Plastazote foam insert, which happened to nestle the thickness of two volumes perfectly, that was covered in Tyvek. But I had concerns about gravity and reliability of PVA to hold the foam insert in place overtime. And I wasn’t happy with my initial ideas of how to remove the volumes (and also the original enclosure and collapsible cradle) from the insert(s), which consisted of a tab underneath the volume. It created friction that would ultimately cause damage to the actual volumes.
Ultimately, I am extremely happy with what I came up with. I think it functions very well, and checks all the boxes it needed to check. Safe, secure storage. Elegant display. User-friendly.
Display stand openDisplay stand closed. A lip was added to support the foam insert overtimeDisplay stand closed with one set of volumes removedPolyester slings were created as a solution for removing items safely and easily from the enclosure
The display stand includes a cloth tape inserted into the boards to keep it from opening too far, a foam insert covered in Tyvek, a lip to support the foam insert overtime, and two polyester film slings to aid in removing the volumes from the foam insert. The polyester slings proved to be an excellent solution for removing all the elements from the enclosure safely and easily.
For those interested in how some of the components were constructed, here are some in-progress images…
Detail of the turn-in for the display stand lip; cut similarly to how we cut our clamshell enclosure tray turn-insDetail of the turn-in for the display stand lip; cut similarly to how we cut our clamshell enclosure tray turn-insFoam insert, vertical panels covered in Tyvek firstTyvek sheet cut in preparation for attaching to foamTyvek sheet cut in preparation for attaching to foamTyvek attached to the front of the foam pieceTyvek turn-ins cut
Because of the way the trays/components of the enclosure are constructed, they are actually interchangeable. So if the “lower tray” with the original enclosure and collapsible cradle ends up on top of the display tray/stand, that’s not an issue at all. And there is a 1/4 inch Volara foam piece adhered to the outer tray of the clamshell enclosure, so whatever items are on top will be cushioned by soft foam in the enclosure.
Get a full tour of the enclosure by watching our reel on Instagram:
In libraries, we traditionally house rectangular, book-shaped materials. So when a collection of buttons, ribbons and medals entered the lab from the Public Library, our eyes widened as we peered inside the chaos filled box! Initially, we were unsure of how to make order of all the parts for better storage.
Collection of political ephemera before preservation housing, call number 737.242097 C6971 1841
This collection of political ephemera was received in a non-archival black banker’s box. It consisted of approximately 13 ribbons, 17 pinback buttons, and 9 metals dating to the late 1800’s and onward.
In the late 19th century, political ephemera like this was once prolific and cheap to produce. It wasn’t until the rise of the celluloid (plastic) button that political ribbons fell out of fashion. After many years of storage, the ribbons were creased, crumpled and interspersed with heavy medals, sharp pins, and acidic envelopes. All components were in need of archival storage containers for long-term preservation, to separate the parts to keep them from damaging each other and to make them easier to handle.
Ashleigh and Chris took on the challenge of housing these non-traditional library materials so as to facilitate future display and exhibition.
Being a book and paper conservator (not an objects or textile conservator!), Ashleigh first started by brainstorming housing options:
Prior storage solutions by the lab were referenced, such as:
Medals mounted with polyester strapping to a cloth covered mat
A collection of steamboat keys mounted with ties to corrugated board supports
A pin mounted to a cloth covered support, stored within a pamphlet binder
After consulting with the Cincinnati Art Museum textile conservator, Obie Linn, Ashleigh quickly ruled out placing silk ribbons into polyester sleeves or bags since static cling issues could be detrimental to fragile fabric. Storing the items within foam recesses was suggested as an alternative.
Some of the buttons and medals were magnetic, so magnets were considered to prevent parts from sliding (such as how tin type photographs can be non-adhesively mounted with rare earth magnets).
Other components that were not magnetic could be secured with ties or straps.
Small metal buttons without fabric (that could easily become lost!) were candidates to store in baggies, similarly to how the University of Kansas Libraries describe housing this collection of pins on their blog.
It also became clear that minor treatment was needed including surface cleaning and humidification to reduce creasing in the ribbons and to encourage proper orientation of the parts during storage. This would also help prepare the items for future exhibition.
Since many parts had varying needs, the items were first grouped by size, type, and if they were magnetic. Once grouped, standardized mount sizes were determined so that no matter what size the ribbons were, they would all fit together inside the same sized box. Additionally, a few ribbons were grouped together on one mount to save space.
Items being evaluated and grouped into standardized support sizes
Rudimentary plans were drawn to decide how the groups and parts would eventually be configured into one enclosure. For example, what would make more sense for library storage on a shelf – to orient the final enclosure as a rectangle or square? We went with a rectangle since many shelves at the library have a narrow depth.
Custom Mat Board Mounts with Foam
Chris’ first task was to cut sink mats made with custom Plastizote and Volara polyethylene foam spacers to protect the ribbons from shifting during storage. Ashleigh had previously mounted a few ribbons to museum rag mat board as models, giving him a head start and model for packaging the remaining ribbons. After adhering the polyethylene foam to the mat board with PVA, the mounts were pressed for over a week allowing them to off-gas and dry flat.
Many of the ribbons were adorned with metal parts such as metal tassels, anchors, eagles or portraits embossed on discs like coins. Using the Our Standard ribbon as our standard for mounting (see image below), the ribbons were stored similarly, but with slight variations. Our Standard was first protected within a polyethylene foam custom cut spacer. The metal eagle pin was then secured to the mat board backing with 18/3 linen thread. After looping around the pin, the thread was threaded through holes punched in the mat board backing. Tyvek tape sealed the thread knot at rear. To hold the unruly metal tassels securely to the mat, a 3/16 inch polyethylene strap was inserted into slits cut into the mat board backing and was secured on the back with Tyvek tape.
‘Our Standard’ ribbon used as a guide
Similarly, Chris mounted a Democratic metal with an anchor using 18/3 linen thread tied to the mat board mount. In addition, a scrap of a CoLibri jacket was repurposed and customized into a large polyester strap. It was placed between the metal anchor and ribbon to prevent abrasion as the anchor is affixed by a small chain and swings freely upon the ribbon.
This frayed ribbon needed protection from a metal anchor attached to a chain.
The largest item, a six-inch diameter coin with the bust of McKinley, was sewn to the mat board as previously described; however, this big old coin also came with a detached pin. Chris creatively added it to the corner with tiny spacers and polyethylene straps.
Before mountingAfter mounting
A smaller McKinley medallion was tension mounted alongside another small presidential ribbon. No other mounting solution was needed for this round object other than a circular cut-out in the foam that held the object snugly in place.
The round McKinley medallion was secured with tension inside a circular foam cutout.
Flat Ribbons vs. 3-Dimensional Ribbons
Flat silk ribbons without any added pins or components were stored flat within folders of unbuffered interleaving tissue. The folders were placed on top of unbuffered rag mat board for storage. To prevent the folders from sliding off the mat board when handled, polyethylene strapping was wrapped around the boards and adhered to itself with double stick tape (similar to strapping a book). In the future, the ribbons could be pulled out of the folders and exhibited on the provided mat board supports with the strapping.
Flat ribbons were stored in unbuffered interleaving.
Ribbons with dimensionality were stored with extra layers of foam surrounding them. The foam was built up to the height of the highest point of the object to prevent them from getting knocked during storage. Ribbons also needed interior supports to keep their shapes over time, and to prevent the fabric from flattening. In these cases, unbuffered interleaving tissue was inserted below cloth badges with pleated cloth. Rolls of polyester film were also inserted inside the loops of a black cloth ribbon. The rolled polyester film is intended for storage and can be removed for display.
Extra supports were added to badges with dimensional fabric parts.
The set of badges with extra dimension were also challenging to mount. They did not have convenient places for strapping or tying with thread. Instead, rare earth magnets were attached to the back of the mats to hold the parts in place. Weak rare earth magnets were also used on the front of Andrew Jackson’s badge. The magnets on the front were wrapped with unbuffered interleaving tissue to provide handles for lifting that can easily be removed for exhibition. Magnets on the back were covered with Tyvek tape. These magnets gave just enough hold to secure these in place for storage.
Magnets helped hold this group of badges to their support.
In addition to ribbons, this collection had many buttons, coins and trinkets such as these:
These parts were not matted. Instead, the loose metals and coins were sealed individually in polyethylene bags. Within the bags, the pins and coins were given support with thin cardstock. Because metal objects and photographs share similar long-term preservation needs, buttons were pinned to unbuffered cardstock that is traditionally used for storing photographs. Once bagged, they were grouped together by size and type in preparation for the next phase of boxing.
Metal buttons and badges were pinned to cardstock and sealed from humidity inside baggies.
Putting It All Together As One Collection
Now that all the parts were individually protected for storage, it was time to group them together in boxes.
Ribbons were grouped together inside tuxedo boxes.
After TreatmentAfter Treatment
Mourning ephemera were housed together within a tuxedo box. Pins in honor of Lincoln’s death were stored in an envelope while ribbons were stored on mat board sink mats with polyester strapping
A corrugated banker’s box holds the bagged buttons and coins. Removable spacers make flipping and viewing the buttons easier.
A custom cloth covered clamshell holds all the parts together.
All contents of this collection were then assembled by Chris in a beautiful cloth covered clamshell. A foam bumper was added along the outer edge of the bottom tray to add space for hands to slide out the tux boxes.